The Karnataka government on Tuesday filed a petition in the Supreme Court against Tamil Nadu chief minister J Jayalalithaa and three others, acquitted by the state high court in the disproportionate assets case. Aditi Yes
Filing the petition, the Karnataka government called Jayalalithaa's acquittal illegal and termed the high court verdict a "farce". AIADMK supremo Jayalalithaa was acquitted last month of all corruption charges in the 19-year-old Rs 66.65-crore disproportionate assets case. The Karnataka high court on May 12 overturned the trial court's conviction of Jayalalithaa in the disproportionate assets case, discharging her and three others. The conviction had forced her to resign as CM and install a "caretaker CM". After her acquittal, Jayalalithaa took oath as the Tamil Nadu CM on May 23.