Greece puts forward new proposals to end crisis

2015-06-22 24

With zero hour fast approaching on the Greek debt crisis, Greece has submitted a new set of proposals in an effort to reach an agreement with its international creditors.

The suggested reforms include additional taxes on business and the wealthy, as well as increased VAT on certain items.

European Council President Donald Tusk said the measures put forward on Monday were the first “real proposals” submitted by the debt-ridden country in many weeks.

Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem welcomed the “broad and comprehensive” reforms but said it would take time to review the proposal more carefully.

Greek Minister of State Nikos Pappas told euronews the his government is confident its latest proposals will end the five-month-long deadlock.

“I think whoever goes through our document will understand that we have done what we had to do. And anybody who publicly insists that we have not done our share is not telling the truth.”

Arriving at Monday evening’s summit in Bru

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