Gaza/Israel: both guilty of serious violations last summer says UN

2015-06-22 30

The UN has released its long-awaited report on last summer’s conflict between Gaza and Israel.

Human Rights Council investigators say there is evidence of “serious violations” by both sides.

The 183-page document highlights the impact on civilians on both sides.

Justice Mary McGowan Davis led the investigation. Speaking at a press conference at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, she said “The attacks on homes and families, which led to a large number of family members dying together, when their homes were struck in the middle of the night, or as they were gathering for the Iftar meal — these attacks had particular consequences for children: around 550 children died last summer in Gaza, during the fighting.”

The conflict lasted for 50 days across July and August. It ended in a truce.

2,251 people died on the Palestinian side. 1,462 were civilians. 67 soldiers and six civilians died on the Israeli side.

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