Allah gave us the honour to serve humanity~Nouman Ali khan

2015-06-21 18

"And verily this Ummah of yours IS A SINGLE UMMAH and I am your Lord and Cherisher: Therefore Fear Me (and no other)."

In his farewell speech to the pilgrims before his death, Prophet Muhammad (SAW)addressed all Muslims in simple words stressing the fundamental principles of Islam saying:

“O mankind, your God (Allah) is one and your father (Adam) is one, there is no favoring for any Arab over non-Arab nor for non-Arab over Arab, nor for black (skinned) over red (white skinned) except in God’s piety.

O Mankind, God has declared inviolable to you each other's blood, money and honor, therefore your blood, money and honor is inviolable to you till the day you meet Him. O mankind, take my advice and you shall be happy, don’t aggrieve, don’t treat unjustly. O mankind, the money of one is not lawful for another except with his own will and full satisfaction.”

Nationalism is also a way of disuniting the UMMAH. As currently seen in the world, we are over FIFTY-FIVE MUSLIM COUNTRIES AND GROWING ! There should only be ONE Muslim country (Khilafah).

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