Miracle Back Pillow - Lower Back Pain Relief Pillow

2015-06-20 43

Miracle Back Pillow - Lower Back Pain Relief Pillow

You'll Begin to Experience Pain Relief In 3 Easy Breaths... Simply laying on the MiracleBackTM pillow allows your body to naturally guide itself back into a healthy, pain-free posture. The MiracleBack is a chiropractic pillow designed for Lower Back Pain Relief.

Its unique, form-fitting shape and construction accommodates a wide variety of body types, creating deep relaxation of the lower back by increasing circulation. It's the only pillow that allows you to lie face down, uses your own bodyweight to traction your pelvis, to relax your muscles, to open up the posterior disc spaces, and unjam the facets.

According to the Consumer Reports Health Ratings (2009), 80% of adults in the U.S. have been bothered by back pain (that’s 4 out of every 5 adults)! And 88% of those claimed it recurred throughout the year.

Dr. Michael Roizen reported that back pain is the second most common reason people go the doctor (with all the exp