2015-06-19 24

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Over the weekend some users took to Reddit to spout their frustration for temporary bans they received on Xbox Live. The bans are associated with Upload Studio and Skype, and are received when users upload videos or have chats using what is being deemed "inappropriate content."

Users are reporting that after including voiceovers with profanity on their clips through Upload Studio, they are receiving temporary bans from using the app again. Messaging appears that says, "Choose Something Else To Play, Because of Your Past Behavior You Can't Do Voice Overs," or other similar messages. Some users are also reporting being banned from using Skype after profanity is used in private conversations.

According to multiple users, when they went to Xbox support to get answers, they had to endure extremely long wait times to speak with someone, only to find out their account was in good standing. It seems the temporary bans last anywhere from 1 to 3 days but doesn't affect the users ability to log on to Xbox Live.

According to the Terms of Service you can't use profanity in your profile, avatar images, and other public facing items. There is no explicit language around profanity in the social media and share functions.

So I reached out to Microsoft for an official comment and this is what they are saying.
"To be clear, the Xbox Live Policy & Enforcement team does not monitor direct peer-to-peer communications like Skype chats and calls. Also, we take Code of Conduct moderation via Upload Studio very seriously. We want a clean, safe and fun environment for all users. Excessive profanity as well as other Code of Conduction violations will be enforced upon and result in suspension of some or all privileges on Xbox Live."

So note to self: No swearing in Upload Studio videos.


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