Scandinavian right wing politics winning more and more votes

2015-06-19 27

Another strong showing by the right in northern Europe: the Danish People’s Party is celebrating its victorious result in legislative elections, with 21% of the votes.

This makes the anti-immigration People’s Party (DPP) Denmark’s second-largest political party, and the leading partner in the right wing bloc — dislodging the left from government.

Described by detractors as populist or even far right, the DPP confirms an anti-immigration trend in the Nordic countries.

Over the last year and a half the right in Denmark, Sweden and Finland have all enjoyed growing strength.

In Swedish elections last September, the right wing Sweden Democrats became the third-largest party.

The nationalist-oriented Finns Party in April emerged from elections as Finland’s second largest party.

Norway’s Progress Party, which some political scientists say verges on the extreme right, teamed up with the Conservatives to win the 2013 election and enter government for the first time.

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