Epic De-transformations in Pro Bodybuilding

2015-06-18 8

Mustafa Mohammad
What you observe here is a great detransformation - shaved, roided, insulin and GH loaded man detranforms into a truck driver.
Remember: to be a professional bodybuilder you need amazing genetics;

Flex Wheeler
Another success story. What happened? He forgot to take his "supplements" and train. Then Flex decided to insert some synthol into his arms and get the most retarded tattoos in order to "hide" the synthol and lack of definition caused by it. Smart moron.

Paul Dillet
Success!!! What happened? After his natural testosterone production was shut down due to steroid abuse Paul decided to carry the baby himself instead of getting a girl pregnant. Talk about relationship compromises.

Chris Cormier
What happened? After his head got so big due to occasional growth hormone supplementation Chris Cormier was kidnapped by aliens because he was able to hear radio stations on other planets. He wasn't able to follow appropriate diet with all the macro nutrients in check in order to keep his size during his terrible stay on the planet Mars.

Dorian Yates
This is a high level body detransformation successfully achieved by six times Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates. 300 pounds man transformed into a regular dude who barely looks like a bodybuilder with his shirt on.

Remember: The reason why bodybuilders are so big are things like: proper nutrient timing, high intensity training, brown rice, chicken breast and of course the favorite of many, from Arnold to Yates, - visualization (the process of imagining that your muscles are getting bigger from nothing).

Kevin Levrone
All I know is that successful detransformation is successful and that red underwear looks really good on him.