Myofascial Release - Hamstring Origin Stroke

2015-06-17 329
Howard RontalI have been a Certified Hellerwork Practitioner since 1985 and earned undergraduate and graduate degrees at the University of Michigan in the early 70s.

My Hellerwork Training was conducted by Joseph Heller. I took five Hellerwork continuing education seminars in the first three years of my practice and continued to study privately with Heller during that time.

I am also a Certified Myoskeletal Alignment Therapist (the work of Erik Dalton), a Certified Structural Integrator SM, and am licensed as a massage therapist by the Board of Chiropractic Examiners, State of Maryland.

I've been teaching and expanding the Myofascial Release Massage since 1991. Currently I am visiting faculty at four massage schools on the East Coast and Midwest.

I have certified three other excellent bodyworkers to teach my seminars — currently in Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Virginia.