Hippos help duckling escape from pond in zoo

2015-06-12 39

A helpless duckling was caught in a pond, away from his mother and his brothers could do nothing about it. The only people who at that time had a chance to "lend a hand" to the small, were a pair of hippos babies were cooling off in the same waters.

The scene took place in the Rotterdam Zoo in Holland. When the huge mammals saw jumps and squawking duckling did not lead him anywhere, they decided to intervene to get him out of his predicament.

First it was just a hippo who approached the baby duck jumped on the banks of the pond in an attempt to leave the water. The feathered seemed not to understand what the intentions were giant, and was moving from the other side avoiding his friend could help him.

Hippopotamus one seconds then added, and after insisting a bit, together managed to "round up" the duck and serve step so he could finally get back on solid ground and running alongside her mom.