Refugee or migrant: what's the difference?

2015-06-12 7

“What is the difference between migrants and refugees?”, asks Panos in Athens. “Are all the European countries applying the same procedures to deal with them?”

The answer is from Jean-François Ploquin, Director of the French NGO Forum Réfugiés:

“Migrants by definition are people who go from one place to another, refugees are those who do it because they are seeking protection because they flee a major risk to their lives or physical integrity and who seek refuge – this protection they do not have in their countries of origin.

“The definition of refugee is a written text that’s already old – “the Geneva Convention of 1951“ It was produced during the postwar period. Today 145 states in the world have ratified it. This Refugee Convention provides for a person who is persecuted or fears persecution for reasons related to race, religion, nationality and membership of a particular social group or political opinion. Those are the categories

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