Gun Pride Parade - Self Defense Illegal in England

2015-06-08 6

Gun Pride Parade - Self Defense Illegal in England

he Machine Gun Shoot is a bi-annual event, typically held on the second weekend of April and October. The next Machine Gun Shoot takes place on October 9, 10 & 11 2015.

Click here to view the Machine Gun Shoot schedule The participants are machine gun dealers, collectors and enthusiasts from all over the country. The Machine Gun Shoot itself consists of three days of machine gun shooting, dealer displays, shooting competitions and a spectacular Saturday Night Shoot. The machine gunners are shooting at a wide variety of used appliances, abandoned vehicles, and barrels of fuel with pyrotechnic charges attached. The pyrotechnic charges are painted orange for the shooter to see. The charges are set off by the impact of the bullets, creating large mushroom clouds and fireballs from hell! (Click here to see a video of one of our machine gun shoots) Their objective is to destroy everything down range. A wide variety of rare and exotic weaponry will be on display for all to see, such as Water Cooled Brownings, Mini-guns, AK-47’s, MG-42’s, Tommy Guns, M-16’s, Vickers belt fed, Uzi’s, MP5’s & many others too numerous to mention. A big thank you to our sponsors.

Self Defense Illegal in England

he United Kingdom has been moving politically to the Left for some time now, but even in our wildest dreams, never could we have imagined that it would become illegal to protect yourself there.

As reported by The New American, British subjects seeking advice about what are and are not permissible self-defense instruments found some recently on a police web site. It is sponsored by the British government's Police National Legal Database.

Q589: Are there any legal self defence products that I can buy?

The police answer:

The only fully legal self defence product... is a rape alarm.

Now, the site goes on to say that there may be other products, but those have yet to be fully tested and that "if you purchase one you must be aware... there is always a possibility that you will be arrested and detained until the product, it's [sic] contents and legality can be verified."

That's not very reassuring, so in an effort to further reduce anxiety about "other" self-defense products, the site points out that any product a British citizen purchases other than a rape alarm "must not [be] a product which is made or adapted to cause a person injury." Anyone possessing "such a product in public (and in private in specific circumstances) is against the law."

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