Cluedo Suspect / Cluedo Podejrzenia - Hasbro Games - 27471 - Recenzja

2015-06-08 3

Graj sprytnie i rozwiąż zagadkę morderstwa jako pierwszy.

Zadawaj dociekliwe pytania o podejrzanych, narzędzia i miejsca zbrodni. Odkryj kto, czym i gdzie popełnił morderstwo, a wygrasz grę!

Ilość graczy: 3-4

Czas gry: 15 min

Wiek: 8+


This is a fast-playing stripped down version of the classic board game, Cluedo
Basically it is the question portion of the game made with a specific set of cards used as the notepad.
Play your cards right and you will solve it in no time.
Ask question about the Clue characters weapons and locations on your cards to work out who did it, with what and where.
As you expect, the first detective to solve the crime wins. It's all the fun and intrigue of Clue, in minutes. Special 2 player game for top detectives!