Cisco-Linksys WRT54GX Wireless-G Broadband Router with SRX

2015-06-07 4

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Cisco-Linksys WRT54GX Wireless-G Broadband Router with SRX

Internet-sharing Router 4-port Switch with a built in speed and range enhanced Wireless-G 80211g Access Point
Shares a single Internet connection and other resources with Ethernet wired Wireless-G -B and other SRX devices
New SRX technology the farther away the more advantage -- up to 8 times faster than standard Wireless-G 80211g
SRX also increases wireless range by up to 3 times and reduces dead spots in coverage area
Requires OS that supports Ethernet and TCPIP fully compatible with Windows 2000 and Windows XP partially compatible with Windows 98 Me Linux