It was a run of the mill Sunday afternoon here on our little farmette, until a noise in the kitchen made us look the spice cabinet...where THIS SNAKE was descending toward a basket of fresh eggs on the kitchen counter...! To answer your questions:
- Rat Snake. Non-venomous, beneficial due to their penchant for eating rodents and (OUTSIDE) eggs.
- It got in through a hole in our laundry room floor, which is now covered by a VERY heavy concrete block and which will soon be permanently plugged.
- Yes, we let it finish the egg.
- Using two brooms, a whole lot of patience, nudging, and encouraging, we finally convinced it that going out the open window was a MUCH better option than slithering away behind the fridge! As soon as we could get its bulk under the brooms, we hefted it out the window, and off it went to the rest of its evening. And then we drank. (Kidding! okay, sort of. Lol!)
All's well that ends well, but...JEEZ!!!