Burundi elections put off again, fears of violence rise

2015-06-04 16

Elections in Burundi, postponed two weeks ago, have been delayed for a second time — local and legislative. Police have been shooting at protesters in the capital. Some 40 people are reported to have been killed in the crackdown.

Bujumbura has not announced a new election date, as tensions remain high. The re-scheduled polls were to have taken place this Friday.

The impoverished and landlocked country of some 10.5 million people is in the Great Lakes region of East Africa.

A presidential ballot is due in three weeks’ time.

The crisis blew up when outgoing president Pierre Nkurunziza said he would run for a third term, which goes against the constitution.

A few days ago, at a summit in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, which is one of the countries neighbouring Burundi, Nkurunziza appeared to yield to pressure from the East African Community (EAC) not to run.

He had been in Dar es Salaam earlier in May, on the 13th, for an EAC meeting, when a Burundi army faction under the command

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