While Nikhil Advani is busy with the post-production of ‘Hero’ that marks the debut of both Athiya Shetty and Sooraj Pancholi, there are rumors that the director will soon be making a film with Hrithik Roshan.
The film that’s based on Sensex was pitched to Hrithik recently when he returned to the city after completing the first long and grueling schedule of Ashutosh Gowarikar’s magnum opus Mohenjo Daro.
Apparently, Duggu had many scripts awaiting his approval and one of them was Bazaar, which immediately took the actor’s attention with its interesting take on a new-age love story with the Bombay Stock Exchange as backdrop.
Yeah…more digging revealed that the movie is allegedly inspired by 2013 Martin Scorsese film starring Leonardo DiCaprio, ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’. Uh oh!
Hrithik was the first choice for Nikhil's venture and thankfully, the actor took a liking to it and confirmed his involvement immediately. Stay tuned for more updates on the same!