Heatwave / Coup de chaud (2015) - Trailer (French)

2015-06-04 3

Directed by : Raphaël Jacoulot
Produced by : TS Productions
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 1 h 42 min
French release: 12/08/2015
Production year: 2015

At the height of a summer heatwave, in a small, apparently peaceful village, the inhabitants' daily lives are disturbed by Josef Bousou.
The son of scrap merchants and a troublemaker, the villagers decide he is the main reason for all their woes, until the day that he's found dead in the courtyard of his family's home.




Positif: "The power of its subject, the singularity of the approach, and the actors' conviction are what make this Heatwave a highly commendable film."

Première: "Rather than the resolution of an investigation, Jacoulot is interested in the patient observation of the rise in intolerance amongst apparently respectable people."

Le Monde: "Karim Leklou powerfully embodies the film's lead character, moving and troubling at the same time."


More info: http://en.unifrance.org/movie/39364/heatwave