Have a look at my new primary video to my YouTube Channel for Aluminum Wiring Dangers in Calgary

2015-06-03 3

Visit my new promotional video to my YouTube Channel for Aluminum Wiring Hazards in Calgary

This particular video, as well as all the videos on my Youtube Channel at XXXXXXXXX, is devoted to the schooling of homeowners with aluminum-wired residential properties. While I am targeting them for Calgary, the videos are applicable to places all around the world.

Aluminum wiring, while not the culprit itself, is inflicting significant issues in domestic applications thanks to the way they were installed back during the time about 1965 to 1975 when aluminum was the favored metal of choice for branch circuitry.

Due to its properties, aluminum will expand and contract far further and faster (called "creep") than copper when heating and cooling occur within a connection. Irrespective of what it is connected to, be it receptacles (outlets), switches, lights, ceiling fans or other copper or aluminum wires, this creep will be able to bring on gaps in the connections over