Security stepped up in Bavaria ahead of G7 summit

2015-06-03 17

Security is being stepped up in southern Bavaria, ahead of the G7 summit.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will be hosting the heads of the Group of Seven industrial countries on Sunday and Monday.

Police are reassuring locals after violent riots in Frankfurt in March, during the opening of the new ECB building.

“We’ve realised that there’s some unease in the community here about what is going to happen. People are wondering if there will be the same situation as in Frankfurt. There are concerns about this,” said police spokesman Peter Reichl.

“Our message is very clear, stay calm.”

The annual G7 summit will focus on various global issues, including security, energy and the economy.

One local resident, Thomas Sailer, said he was worried about the possibility of violence – highlighting online videos of unrest during the Heiligendamm G8 summit in 2007 are frightening.

Reinhard Behling, a resident of Garmisch Partenkirchen, said: “The effort going into this is huge. In s

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