Massively Open Online Courses

2015-06-04 13

Please visit to find out more about MOOCs and Open Education Around the World. Curtis J. Bonk (Editor), Mimi M. Lee (Editor), Thomas C. Reeves (Editor), Thomas H. Reynolds (Editor). Published by Routledge Chapman & Hall (2015).

MOOCs and Open Education Around the World is a book which explores issues regarding massive open online courses (MOOCs) and open education resources (OER). It can be difficult to incentivize participants in online environments. The open education resources (OERs) movement was the inspiration for the first MOOCs. This massive open courses book addresses the best practices in e-learning based on decades of research. As distance learning becomes more abundant there is a growing necessity to better understand how these MOOC classes are being conducted. How can stakeholders deal with the issues of low learner motivation and high dropout rates? What experimental evaluation strategies and teaching practices are in use today?

Modern advancements in digital elearning technology enable people in every nation on earth to take classes online. This new book deals with the major instructional ideas associated with massive open online courses and open education resources (OER). For additional details about this MOOC book please see