The Dutch Boyan Slat will rid the oceans of plastic waste

2015-06-02 126

The young Dutch ecologist 20, Boyan Slat, launched his project to save the oceans in 2014 and soon announced the release of the first ocean cleaning system for 2016. In a few weeks he had collected nearly two million euros for his project "Ocean Cleanup Project", allowing it to start work in order to make a machine whose mission is to collect tons of plastic polluting the world's oceans.
This machine is placed at the water surface and automatically trap waste plastic through ocean currents. It is an invention inexpensive and easy to implement. In addition, the system is designed not to interfere marine ecosystems.
The young activist said that this first deployment will primarily be a full-scale feasibility test. The sorting station will be deployed current 2016 off the coast of Tsushima, an island between Japan and South Korea. The system will extend over two kilometers.
The island's authorities assess the ability to convert the recovered plastic to give it a utilitarian function. The developer estimates that 100 kilometers from its strategically placed sufficient system to filter 42% of the plastic in the oceans decade.