5 Helpful Video Marketing Tips For Internet Marketers

2015-06-01 8

http://derecocherry.com/5-helpful-video-marketing-tips-for-internet-marketers/ -Looking to get started with video marketing?

Check out this post were we share 5 helpful video marketing tips that you can use in your business.

Video Marketing Statistics

Here are some statics straight from youtube that will open your eyes about how powerful video is.

-youtube has over 1 billion users.

-300 hours of video are uploaded every hour.

-over 6billion hours of video are being watched on youtube per month.

Video marketing is arguably the very best way to market yourself online. It’s a great way for people to get to know you. With video you are able to get your message across a lot clearer instead of text alone. Effective video marketing is accomplished when people can see and hear your voice. You can show emotion and really drive your point home. It’s a very powerful marketing strategy.
Here are the tools that I use to create my videos.

I use iMovie for all my video editing needs. It’s a free application that comes on just about every mac computer. You can grab windows movie maker for free from Microsoft if you are using a Windows based computer.

I record all my videos using my iPhone smartphone. In my opinion if you are just starting out or even an advanced video marketer your smart phone is all you really need to create professional quality videos. With today’s technology they have some amazing rear and front facing camera’s that record in high definition.

I use a Polaroid table top tripod to hold my phone when doing videos. I use the adapter that came with my selfie stick, which I will explain below. This setup will work great for you especially if you are on a budget.

I use a selfie stick for pictures and videos as well, it is made by camkix. A little warning though, using the selfie stick for movies will cause your video to be a little jumpy because you don’t have the tripod and phone on a sturdy surface but they still should come out great. It has a removable adapter that I use to attach to the tripod to hold my phone in place. Here is what it looks like with everything attached.video marketing tips
Some Easy Video Marketing Strategies

When doing your videos make sure you show some excitement when you are on camera. Nobody want’s to work with a Debbie Downer. Make sure you introduce yourself. Ask a question. Answer the question you just asked (make sure it helps your audience) and finally always, always have a call to action. You can tell them to email you if you don’t have a capture page setup or tell them to make sure they subscribe to get notified of when you release new training. Either way don’t ever do a video without having some type of call to action.

Using these video marketing tips and trips will help you look like a professional,generate more leads and get more sales in your business. Take your internet marketing video game to a whole new level by using these video marketing strategies.- http://derecocherry.com/5-helpful-video-marketing-tips-for-internet-marketers/

To Your Massive Success!

Dereco Cherry

Connect with me on my blog: http://www.DerecoCherry.com