The Transporter Refueled (previously known as The Transporter Legacy) is an upcoming French-Chinese action thriller film directed by Camille Delamarre and written by Bill Collage and Adam Cooper. The Transporter Refueled is the fourth film in the Transporter franchise and a prequel to the series. The film stars Ed Skrein as Frank Martin with Ray Stevenson, Gabriella Wright, Radivoje Bukvić, Anatole Taubman, Wenxia Yu and Tatiana Pajković. Filming began on August 1, 2014, in Paris, France. It is scheduled to be released on September 4, 2015,Watch The Transporter Refueled Online DVDRip, Download The Transporter Refueled (2015) Full Movie, The Transporter Refueled Online Mp4 HDRip BR 720p 3gp