Brian Koscak is a Partner at the law firm of Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP located in Toronto, Ontario and practices in the area of corporate and securities law. Brian is the Chair of the Private Capital Markets Association of Canada (formerly, the Exempt Market Dealers Association of Canada), a national not-for-profit organization representing exempt market dealers, issuers and compliance professionals across Canada. Brian is also the Co-Chair of the Equity Crowdfunding Alliance of Canada and a member of the Ontario Securities Commission’s Exempt Market Advisory Committee which is considering new ways to raise capital in Ontario, including through equity crowdfunding. Brian is one of Canada’s leading authorities on equity crowdfunding. He has spoken at numerous conferences, events and webinars about developing a viable equity crowdfunding framework for Canada. He has had various articles published about equity crowdfunding and been mentioned in the media. Brian regularly consults with securities regulatory authorities in Canada about equity crowdfunding as well as advises a number of clients seeking to engage in equity crowdfunding, including exempt market dealers, funding portals and crowdfunding industry associations.