Battlefield Hardline How To Use Your XP Boosts Rank Up Fast "Battlefield Hardline Rank Up Fast"

2015-05-30 5

Battlefield Hardline How To Use Your XP Boosts Unlock Weapons Faster "Battlefield Hardline Rank Up Fast" Battlefield Hardline How To Use Your XP Boosts Rank Up Fast "Battlefield Hardline Rank Up Fast" Harlinne XP Boosts how to use XP boost Battlefield Hardline 200% XP Battlepack XP Boosts How To Use Them Battlefield Hardline rank up fast XP Boost When you get Battlepacks you will notice you get XP boosts varying from 25% 50% 100&% & 200% Boosts to XP,. A few people i spoke to as well as myself just thought that these would just work when you were playing online, However this is not correct.

You need to select what boost you want to use and when you want to use it. Best thing is it only counts down when your actually in a game so you never waste any.

To start using your XP boost you need to go into the Menu as shown below when your in a game and select the boost you want to use,

When you have the boost on you will see a Little Arrow pointing up near any points you get in game ( your