GTA 5 Online How To Get And Fly The Atomic Blimp Fly A Blimp On Multiplayer GTAV Online Blimp GTAV GlitchHow To get a 747 on GTA Online Boeing 747 GTA Online
1.Start an invite only session and go to the spot in the video below near the airport
2.Once there set spawn to Last location
3 leave GTA Online and head to Single Player
4.Go back to GTA online and then open the xbox store
5 once the store is open press the Xbox Button and as soon as it starts to load press the xbox button and sign out.
6 once it says you have singed out you can sign back in again this will load the prologue mission
7 When you can press start and go to Game load your normal SP save this will then put you as one of the 3 chaaracters
8 get the Blimp from the Were ever it spawns when you call them on your phone and take it tothe spot in the guide below it should be exactly opposite where your online player is so when it loads you will see the Plane
9. leave Single player start a invite only session or get