GTA 5 10K Subscribers 3.5 Million Whale Shark Card Giveaway

2015-05-30 10

GTA 5 10K Subscribers 3.5 Million Whale Shark Card Giveaway This for all of you that have stuck with us and subscribed a GTA 5 Whale Shark Card Give Away 3.5 Million GTA 5 Give Away

This Is For Xbox And PSN No Limitations You Can Comment Once A Day till 10K Subs hopefully not to long

this video is about the GTA 5 10.000 Subscribes 3.5 Million Shark Card Giveaway Good Luck this is a road to 10.000 subscribes its really to enter the instructions will be under this text good luck to all the people who enter in this.


1. make sure you are subscribed to us
2.comment in the description

that's all you have to do its that easy we can check if you have subscribed because we get an email telling us so good luck to everyone

if you did enjoy this video don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe for more gta v videos and don't forget to comment to enter the giveaway

We may not be able to reply to all comments as it could mess up the random give-away also please do no