GTA 5 Online How To Get Into The Prison Watch Towers

2015-05-30 28

GTA 5 OnlineHow To Get Into The Prison Tower 1.15 To get into the watch Towers at the Prison in GTA 5 online is pretty easy. When your in the watch Towers at the Prison on GTA5 you can not be shot you are invincible and te police will not go into the towers at the prison but you can shoot out from the top. There are 6 Towers at the Prison in GTA 5 Online And You Can get into them all maybe a place to hide from a bounty or just have fun

this video is about the GTA 5 Online Inside The Prison Tower 1.15
this is really cool to go in its not a glitch so you don't have to worry about anything it has tones of stairs in it and you can get police on you but in all its a cool place to hide away from people and try and not get killed

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