Forza 4 Delorean Dmc 12 Review(Back To The Future Car)

2015-05-30 1

Forza 4 Delorean Dmc 12 Review(Back To The Future Car) this forza 4 delorean video shows you alot about the delorean and what it was featured in different movies and forza 4 tells you about the perfomance of the back to the future car this is a really cool car to have on forza 4 and a great movie car thanks to turn 10 for adding the dmc delorean 12

this video is about the Forza 4 Delorean Dmc 12 Review(Back To The Future Car) this has to be one of the best cars in forza 4 by far the delorean has been featured in many different filmed and is really rare in real life as you can see i had a real one outside my house the delorean is got to be the best film car on forza 4 by far

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