Prime Nutrition Yohimbine Reviews - Does Prime Nutrition Yohimbine Work

2015-05-29 49
Prime Nutrition Yohimbine Reviews - Does Prime Nutrition Yohimbine Work?

Yohimbine HCl can lead to increased fat loss especially in “trouble areas” such as the midsection and love handles for men and glutes and thighs for women. Yohimbine HCl can also support sense of well-being and mood and suppress your appetite.

In its herbal form, yohimbe has been used for centuries as a performance enhancer and stimulant. More recently, the more powerful, purified and standardized form of yohimbe – Yohimbine HCL - has been used to support fat-burning.

Yohimbine HCl is categorized as an "alpha-2 adreno receptor antagonist." Alpha-2 receptors are found primarily in the fat cells of the body. When alpha-2 receptors are activated, free fatty acid mobilization is inhibited. By doing so it acts to block the activation of the alpha-2 receptors on fat cells, helping the stored fat in the form of fatty acids to be released, and eventually burned for energy.

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