Human Mobile Stage 90C, 2015 Tin Hau Festival, Lion Dance Kung Fu.2015 天后寶誕

2015-05-29 754

Human Mobile Stage 90C (2碟2膊醒狮表演90C), 2015 Chung Oi Chau Biu Martial Art Sports Association to worship Tin Hau Festival( Sea Goddess) at Tin Hau Temple, Ma Wan N.T Hong Kong. Time: 11-05-2015(Chinese Lunar Time: 23rd March 2015). Weather: Thunderstorm and Heavy Shower

中外周彪国术体育会于香港新界马湾天后圣庙恭祝天后宝诞(女海神宝诞),时间:11-05-2015 (农历 2015年3月23日)。天气:大雷雨及大骤雨

Video Information 影片资料:

(1) Lion Eaten a "Ching" performed by: Chau Biu Martial Arts Chinese Boxing Ltd, in White T-shirt with Blue Colour Characters, black trouser. 由周彪国术联谊会表演"醒狮采青",他们穿着白T恤蓝色字黑色裤。

(2) Lion Dancing at Tin Hau Temple performed by:Chung Oi Chau Biu Martial Art Sports Association(Our Association), in White T-shirt Red Colour Characters, Black Colour Trousers with Yellow Strips醒狮参拜天后娘娘圣庙。由中外周彪国术体育会(本会)表演,他们穿着白T恤红色字黑色裤黄色间条。

(3) Lions Greetings and Kung Fu Show。 醒狮会狮及国术表演。

Other Chau Ka Kung Fu details please refer to Human Mobile Stage Part 1 (Descriptions and comments), length 5:55 (关于中外周家详细资料请看Human Mobile Stage Part 1 (Descriptions and comments), length 5:55)

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