Book - Chapter 2:- Who are the Pre-destined persons who will receive Gospel - 3.

2015-05-26 7

Book - Chapter 2:- Who are the Pre-destined persons who will receive Gospel - 3.

As holy spirit is “common sense” and it works for our Father when you are impartial and unbiased, then you are capable of Brewing the New Wine through logical reasoning called GURPARSAAD (Gur = logical reasoning; Parsaad, the Nectar), the Logos. Then he told them, “Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter.” So they took it. And when the headwaiter tasted the water that had become wine, without knowing (received only through revelations direct from our Father untouched by human hands or corruptible Scriptures) where it came from (although the servers, the Apostles, who had drawn or Brewed the New Wine, the water knew), the headwaiter called the bridegroom, the persons who are Solitary, the sons of most High, and said to him, “Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now.” That is, these village people were outspoken like the little children free of hypocrisy as it was prevalent in Jerusalem and told what was in their hearts. Or first people study Scriptures, Old Cloth, as in the past Ages but when that Old Cloth gets highly corrupted through the hypocrisy of the clever greedy Rabbis, it becomes good for nothing and then the twice-born people of age as the born-blind young man of age in John 9 was, would appreciate the New Wine introduced by the Anointed Christ Jesus to prepare the Solitary Virgin Brides for our Father. Remember that what applies to flesh, the opposite applies to spirit. In flesh, father gives his virgin daughter away to a boy whilst in spirit our Father Marries His own solitary Virgin daughters, SOOHAGHAN, to produce more sons of Most High through the Solitary Virgin Brides called Fishing the spiritual men, people who are masters of their own destinies, into the Royal Kingdom of God that has Narrow Gate. Jesus did this Miracle among the simple minded village people that the clever psychic Jerusalem theologians were thinking as good for nothing. Thus, in this Miracle, He introduced to desiring people the purpose of His coming into the world in Cana in Galilee, a place far away from Jerusalem that is full of the spiritually dead men of letters drunk heavily with the Old wine of Scriptures that made them stiff-necked desiring not the New Wine. Such theologians of the letters were so proud of their degrees in theology that they looked down upon the others from villages as stupid or Goyeishi Koppa. That is, once you get drunk with the old wine, you desireth not the New. So, this village situation far away from Jerusalem was the best for people to receive or appreciate the New Wine, the Gospel. In fact, these University Professors of Theology being the men of letters lacking spirit are best described as the “super donkeys carrying holy books” capable of taking the skins of letters only. They highly lack common sense so much so that they do not know who was born and died on the Cross, Jesus or Christ or whether Jesus was a moral teacher or a spiritual Preacher? It is clearly written in the New Testament that Christ was in the beginning and he is forever or Christ = His Word. And so Jesus and his solitary Labourers, and not the slave disciples of the Rabbis, revealed the Glory of our Father, and His Labourers began to believe in him.
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
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