German rail strike ends as GDL and Deutsche Bahn agree to begin arbitration

2015-05-21 3

German trains are set to start rolling again after the GDL union agreed to begin arbitration with rail operator Deutsche Bahn.

The GDL-Union Chairman Claus Weselsky says one of the key sticking points has been solved and they will now be able to have their own separate agreement from the larger rail union the EVG.

“GDL got what it had demanded all along,” said Weselsky. “A written statement of intent, that clearly stipulates that our members will get their own seperate labour agreement, even if the employer does not succeed in negotiating a uniform agreement with the other trade union”.

Arbitration will take place between May 27 and June 17.

The two sides each nominated an arbitrator. The GDL picked Thuringia’s state premier Bodo Ramelow, a leader of the Left party, and Deutsche Bahnl picked Matthias Platzeck, a former Brandenburg state premier from the Social Democrats

This was the ninth strike by the union in ten months.

The shut-down of the trains cost Europe’s largest e