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Latvian Folk Song: Wolves - Vilki "Cīrulīti mazputniņi"

2015-05-18 79

Indigenous European Music - Latvian Folk Song: Wolves - Vilki "Cīrulīti mazputniņi"

Cīrulīti mazputniņi negul ceļa maliņāi.
Rītu jāsi bargi kungi, samīs tavu perēklīti.
Samīs tavu perēklīti, iecels tevi karietēi.
Iecels tevi karietēi, novedīsi vāczemēi.
Novedīsi vaczemēi, tur tev liksi mežā braukti,
Tur tev liksi mežā braukti, tur tev liksi malku cirsti.
Kad tu malku sacirtīsi, tad tev liksi guni kurti.
Kad tu guni sakurīsi, tad tev liksi bruņas kalti.
Kad tu bruņas nosakalsi, tad tev liksi karā ieti.

Lyrics in English:
Skylark, you little bird, do not sleep by the roadside,
In the morning the stern sirs will be riding and they will stomp your hatchlings.
They will stomp your hatchlings and will put you into their coach.
They will put you into their coach and will drive you to the German lands.
They will drive you to the German lands where you will stay to cut forest.
You will stay there to cut forest and to chop wood.
Once you will have chopped the wood, you will stay there to build a fire.
Once you will have built a fire, you will stay there to forge armor.
Once you will have forged the armor, you will go to war.

Latvių liaudies daina iš grupės Vilki albumo: "Dzelzīm dzimu".
Vaizdas iš "Purva bridējs" (1966):
Uldis Pūcītis — Edgars