Atheists being capable of vetting before believing are the best to receive Gospel called Logos brewed through logical

2015-05-18 4

Atheists being capable of vetting before believing are the best to receive Gospel called Logos brewed through logical reasoning.


People become atheists because they get fed up with non-sense rituals in the Churches and other religious places. To get rid of these Dog-Collared people, Jesus laid down his life because they had become hypocrites. I give you an example of a hypocrite. Yesterday, 17 May, 2015, I went to Oxford to take part in the Big Question on God run by BBC1. There was a retired Vicar who was their main speaker. The presenter addressed him as "Vicar" and he retorted that he is no more a Vicar but he has retired from the job. In other words, like a Policeman, he too was a secular man with Dog-Collar as his uniform and he was not working for God throughout his life but for Mammon. He in his uniform was calling himself to be an authority in Christianity. Such spiritually blind people lead spiritually blind members of congregations into such ritual as prayers to their heavenly father Yahweh when the Real Father God lives in His living Temple with Seat in their hearts and this Jesus called Emmanuel or God is no more alienated as in the case of Jewish demiurge god Yahweh of Nature but He, our Supernatural Father, is living with us. That is why in Jesus, we and our Father are One so far you worship him in truth and in spirit. In truth, you do not tell lies as Annais and Saphira did and St.Peter killed them on the spot for telling lies or building their Temples of God on Sand whilst the truthful people had built it over Solid Rock of Truth that no one could shake. In spirit, what is inside is outside as among the little children. That retired Vicar deceived the public by putting on the Dog-Collar and acting as intermediary between man and God, which he was not. So, hypocrisy being greater than sin, such spiritual deceits lead their blind followers into the sectarian riots as Ian Paisley did in Ireland and the present killing of Christians in Iraq is the Fruit of Falsehoods that are sweeter than honey delivered by such cheats of the order of Judas Iscariot in sheep's clothing thriving over simple-minded devotees of Christ Jesus, the stones being turned into Bread and butter.

Atheists are not fools or spiritually blind and it were such Atheists that were seeking His Word Jesus hired them for the Royal Vineyard of our Father and our Father pleased with their services, honoured them with His Very Spirit, Holy Spirit, making them the Twin-Brethren of Jesus at Pentecost.

Thus, Atheists are sought by Christ Jesus because they can vet in spirit before believing as the Samaritan Woman at Well, St.Photina, did to Jesus.

I am of the atheist type, who have searched His Treasure and have put up over 4450 Youtube Videos; channel nijjhar1.
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