C# Unity Tutorials Part3 Moving the Camera in Roll a ball Game Project

2015-05-16 96

In the 3rd part of beginners c# indie game development unity tutorials in Urdu, you will learn basics of camera game object, how to make object child and parent, how camera will follow the object, how to store start position of camera, explore start function, vector 3 data type.

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In this video, we will discuss

01:29 What happen when main camera object become child of ball object
03:54 How the camera object will follow the ball at the specific distance
06:01 How to store start position of camera
06:28 Purpose of start function
07:24 Vector 3 data type in unity
08:38 How to access ball position in cameraController script
09:22 How to set camera position in update function
11:47 How to refer ball to the cameraController script

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