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Credit Card Thief Stopped Dead in Tracks

2007-08-10 227
Thanks to the quick actions of Lawana at, Mari Ann Lisenbe from avoided substantial unauthorized credit card charges when her credit card was stolen online.

Online credit card theft can be a real problem, because you may not even realize that your credit card has been stolen, since you still have the card in your possession.

But, thanks to Lawana from Olive-Ewe online gifts and accessories, who went out of her way to contact me, I was able to cancel the card before too much damage had been done.

So, if you need lotions, oils, sunglasses, t-shirts, or other accessories, I'd like to recommend you buy the lotions, oils, sunglasses, t-shirts, or other accessories from as a way of saying thanks to a woman who took extraordinary means to track me down! has an assortment of lotions, perfumes, oils, t-shirts, sunglasses and purses, all at very competetive prices.

Online credit card theft can be insidious because you don't even realize you card has been "stolen"
Thanks for your time,
Mari Ann Lisenbe

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