Hot air balloon crash: American tourist dies, his family seriously injured

2015-05-14 21

Originally published on August 6, 2013

A 55-year-old man died and his wife and two daughters were injured after a hot air balloon hit an electric power line and crashed near the western Swiss town of Montbovon.

According to local reports, the balloon departed from Chateau d'Oex at around 6:40 a.m. Weather conditions and visibility were good, 24heures reported.

The balloon was carrying a married couple from California on holiday with their two daughters, aged in their twenties.

According to reports, after a two-hour flight, the balloon hit a high-voltage power line at around 8:35 a.m. and crashed next to a house.

The father died instantly while his wife, daughters and the pilot suffered serious injuries.

The wife and the daugthers were transported to hospitals in Bern and Lausanne by helicopter while the pilot was taken away in an ambulance.

According to The Local, "The Swiss news agency SDA said the site where the accident occurred is considered safe by balloon pilots."

An investigation by authorities to determine the cause of the accident is underway.

The balloon belonged to a hotel in Gstaad where the family was staying.


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