North Carolina teacher Diana Leigh Farnell slept with student scandal!

2015-05-14 16

North Carolina teacher Diana Leigh Farnell slept with a student (allegedly!). Farnell teaches at Union Academy Charter School in Monroe, N.C.

Teaching is a taxing profession. Teachers are simultaneously expected to spend every effort forcing knowledge down the gullets of an ever changing gaggle of ungrateful students, and still keep it classy when one of them breaks the monotony by pitching a trouser tent in the middle of English Lit class.

One particular teacher, Diana Farnell of North Carolina, stands accused of failing to keep it classy with a 17 year old male student. FYI, the age of consent in North Carolina is 16, so I guess the lesson here is if you're going to make baby butter with a member of the student body, you'd best park your Stabbin Wagon next to a school where you don't work.

Anyway, what may have seemed like a mutually agreeable way to pass the monotony of study hall, or an especially liberal anatomy lesson from the English teacher, will most likely be looked back upon with regret by Ms. Farnell. The disposition of the male student involved is unknown, but the consensus is that he's a freaking champ and he'll always be remembered for his position on staff (and not in the sense that he was employed by the school in any way).

Had the couple's chromosomes flipped the other way, it's unlikely that public opinion would be so forgiving. Pelvic interactions between adult male educators and barely-legal or not-even-remotely-legal female students are still a taboo, the hypothetical ramifications of which can only be safely explored by dubiously teenaged porn stars with crows feet, playing teachers and students who inexplicably seem to have never heard of underwear.

And don't even think about the hornet's nest you'd be sticking your wang into if the teacher and student are the same gender. You might as well jam your pitch fork into the pencil sharpener and start your torches pre-soaking in the janitor's mop bucket. Never mind that your grandmother no