Life on Mars latest. City and Huge Structures Found..

2015-05-13 1

Latest NASA panorama shows massive structures, transport system and intact buildings.

Here's the link: Click on the White Balanced Version:

Its an amazing panorama showing Mount Sharp. The photograph was taken in September 2012 and has only just been pieced together.

After studying the image for some time, my guess is that what you can see to the far right of the panorama ia a train terminal for trains which pass right through Mount Sharp. There are signs of what could be other vehicles, aircraft or boats. You can also make out buildings on the rise which don't appear to be ruins, they are upright suggesting they are intact. You can see steps going up the hill, you can see steps for passengers onto the vehicle in the foreground. You can also see quite clearly what appear to be hangars or bunkers cut out if the side of the mountain. If you zoom in even further than I do in the video you will make out even more detail of objects that I am describing. I have concentrated on only a small area of the panorama, I suggest you explore the whole image. Its well worth it. Well done NASA for making this available.

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There is a whole planet there that was once inhabited by a civilization that was much more advanced than we are now. We shouldn't be surprised at 'anything' we may find.

My take on this now is that we are the Martians. That's where we came from and that is why, to some of us, artefacts there look so familiar. NASA are scratching their heads trying to figure out how they could send manned missions to Mars and what technology would be needed. Isn't it just possible that all the technology we could ever need is right there on Mars? Exactly where we left it!

March 12 Update:

"We have found a habitable environment that is so benign and supportive of life that probably if this water was around and you had been on the planet, you would have been able to drink it," said chief scientist John Grotzinger of the California Institute of Technology.

March 13 Update:

ESA and the Russian federal space agency, Roscosmos, have signed a formal agreement to work in partnership on the ExoMars programmed towards the launch of two missions in 2016 and 2018.

March 17 Update:

NASA say that they will be spending many more weeks in Yellowknife Bay as they have 'found an environment supportive of microbial life'. Sure, and a lot more it seems to me.

I feel it is not feasible to carry out traditional 'archaeology' it would take us millions of years to get to Mars in any great numbers. Curiosity should drive through Mount Sharp on the track for the old transport system we have seen in the video. Get in there and I am sure we will find all the technology we could ever need.

Whatever your belief I hope you enjoy my videos.Watch them all and subscribe.

All the best

Michael Witter


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