Englishman on run from 'Japanese Mob' for 8 months suddenly turns up safe

2015-05-13 2

Garin Dart was a pretty popular guy in Tokyo Japan, living the high life and was a steady face in the Roppongi party scene. He owned what appeared to be a successful business as well. But he just suddenly disappeared in May of 2012.

Since he ran a Tokyo events management company, planning large events for businesses that deal with foreigners in the Tokyo area, he was constantly making contact with other business owners and people with large sums of money. He says this is the reason why he would meet some unsavory characters in the form of the Japanese Mafia, the Yakuza.

Dart says He overheard them discussing a hit on someone he knew, and told that person he was in danger. Of course the Yakuza weren't happy about their plan being thwarted,and they told Dart to leave the country.

So the next thing he does is withdraws close to 7 million Japanese yen... around 65 thousand US dollars...but not from a bank, but from his company. Kids, that's called EMBEZZLEMENT and will get you at least 5 years in the slammer. Things starting to sound a little fishy, right?

The next day, Dart runs...as in the next day, he turns up on a beach in Thailand... without his family.

Way to rough it there buddy, running away from a problem YOU started and leaving your family behind. All the while, sipping Mai-Tais on the beach and looking at lovely tanned babes clad in bikinis.

And after bouncing all over southeast Asia for the past 8 months with folks worrying about him, he suddenly ends up back in England, with this story to tell...

However, some on the internet are crying foul here. A lot of people in Tokyo and elsewhere in Japan that have known him over the past 10 years are speaking very differently than the picture he's given to The Daily Mail.

Also there's the simple fact that everyone in Japan knows: If given a pass by the Yakuza, you take your family, haul ass to the nearest airport and go elsewhere. But you tell NO ONE. Especially a tabloid newspaper.

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