Legal injection drug problems stymie Ohio and Missouri

2015-05-13 39

Many states that were using a 3-drug cocktail for lethal injection executions have been made to switch since the manufacturer of the drugs placed a restriction of their use in executions.

Just recently an Ohio man recently executed using that state's new 2 drug cocktail is raising questions about the ethics of the method. The new drug mix uses midazolam, a sedative, and hydromorphone, a powerful analgesic derived from morphine to euthanize the offender.

However it took Dennis McGuire over 20 minutes to die, this past Thursday. Eyewitnesses say he did so under great duress, gasping and heaving. It's prompting authorities to revisit how they put Ohio's death row inmates under from now on.

The restriction of the old drugs is also affecting the State of Missouri as well. There, they've already put 2 inmates to death using that state's new one-drug method using pentobarbital, a powerful sedative. However the the supplier is a mystery and whistleblowers want the executions to stop until the state comes clean about it.

With these two recent problems, along with other previous issues, many are starting to question the justification for having the death penalty in the first place.


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