Google fights 'distracted driver' laws

2015-05-13 14

Originally published on February 26, 2014


In an exclusive report, Reuters says Google is lobbying officials in three U.S. states to ditch plans to restrict it's still in development wearable tech known as 'Google Glass'.

Wearable technology such as Google Glass, promises to change how we get info and how we see the world.

Lawmakers in the United States, however, are trying to get a step ahead of these new technologies, with at least eight U.S. states considering bans on driving while wearing Google Glass.

State lawmakers attempting to revise 'distracted driver" laws say the eyewear tech is unsafe for drivers, and they worry people checking social networking sites or reading emails while behind the wheel could lead to serious accidents.

Tech giant Google, however, is fighting such legislation as the company hopes its new wearable tech will evolve into the next "must-have" device, and bring in billions in new revenue.

Google says laws restricting wearable tech and driving are problematic, while Reuters noting that a San Diego judge last month invalidated a traffic ticket as it could not be proved a Google Glass device was actually being used while driving.

In its report, Reuters cited Maryland House of Delegates member Benjamin Kramer as saying the San Diego traffic case demonstrates the need for clearer state laws. "When a driver is pulled over, it will always be extremely difficult for law enforcement to prove whether Google Glass had been operating," said Kramer.


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