Radiation-proof boxers or briefs? Wireless armour underwear designed to save your sperm

2015-05-12 40

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Physics graduate Joseph Perkins,26, has launched an Indiegogo campaign to introduce the world to the Wireless Armour men's underwear: boxer shorts that claim to shield your manhood from 99.97 percent of Wi-Fi radiation that threatens it.

The underwear, which is set to go on sale in July for $58, claims to provide a walnut-like shell to save your little kernels from that invisible stuff emitted by your mobile devices.

Scientific studies have shown that smartphone radiation can lay waste to your little soldiers and even cause infertility. So to combat that, thin threads of pure silver are apparently woven in with the cotton, creating a so-called 'Faraday Cage', which will help distribute radiation more evenly.

The silver underpants also claim to have antimicrobial properties, preventing the build up of odours.

If you're at all worried of this real, but invisible threat, be sure to protect your gallant knight and his two noble squires!


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