Massage therapist Brandon Palmer convicted of criminal sexual groping in St Paul, Minnesota

2015-05-12 18

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On April 29 a massage therapist who was apparently confused about which party gets the happy ending was found guilty of criminal sexual conduct in St. Paul, Minnesota. The gropie masseur, Brandon Lee Palmer, was convicted of getting too hands-on with one client, but the jury heard testimony from six others as well. Each assault happened between 2011 and 2013. The media has withheld the names of the accusers to protect their reputations.

In testimony, all the victims described a similar sequence of events. The scheduled massage would begin normally, but soon Palmer would start describing his sexual kinks to them. Then, without warning, Palmer would start massaging their breasts or vaginas and pressing his erection onto their hands.

The women each said that they didn't protest at the time, for fear that Palmer could overpower them or that the sexual assault might escalate. The terrified women also say Palmer insisted on hugging them at the end of the session.

In court, Palmer's attorney, Jennifer Congdon, argued that though Palmer might be a crappy masseuse, if he touched a vag, he was unaware. But prosecutor Eric Leonard countered, "Are we really supposed to believe he doesn't know when he's touching a vagina?"

Leonard continued, "He claims an 'oops' with one woman, 'oops' with the next woman, 'oops' with the next woman, 'oops' with the next woman, 'oops' with the next woman. Do you think these were all just oopses?"

Brandon Lee Palmer was convicted of fourth and fifth degree criminal sexual conduct and will be sentenced on June 17.


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