Couple kidnapped by Taliban: Joshua Boyle and Caitlan Coleman videos released

2015-05-12 610

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Following the release of U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl in a prisoner exchange with the Taliban, family members of a couple who went missing in Afghanistan came forward with videos of the two in captivity, asking the U.S. government for help.

Prior to the disappearance of Canadian Joshua Boyle and his then-pregnant American wife Caitlan Coleman in 2012, the two were backpacking through Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan before arriving in Afghanistan. The couple was planning to return home before Coleman gives birth.

Boyle sent out a final email on October 8, 2012 from an Internet cafe in what he described as an "unsafe" part of Afghanistan and made a final money withdrawal from a Kabul ATM before he and his wife are believed to have been abducted in mountainous Wardak Province, a Taliban stronghold.

After months without any news, an Afghani man with Taliban ties emailed Caitlan Coleman's father a video of the couple in July 2013, and another in September. In the videos, Boyle and Coleman, who is seen wearing a black hijab, ask the U.S. government to help free them and their unseen child from Taliban captors.

No ransom has been demanded from the couple who had also spent months traveling through Latin America after getting married in 2011. The couple's parents continue send letters to reach their children through non-governmental organizations.


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