HIV PEP-Post Exposure Prophylaxis

2015-05-12 2

In this video, Dr Sii will discuss HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis
(PEP). PEP are medicines given to a person after a high risk HIV exposure to minimize the risk of him/her getting infected with HIV.

Common high risk HIV exposure scenarios include having unprotected sex with a casual partner or sex worker, or condom breaks or slips.

PEP has to be started within 72 hours after the exposure. It is up to 99% effective in preventing a HIV infection.

Most people tolerate the treatment very well although some develop side effects like nausea, diarrhea and lethargy.

Remember, PEP is only effective within 72 hours after a person has been exposed to HIV.

Speak to our doctors if you suspect that you have had any high risk exposure to HIV.

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More about HIV PEP