Italian teen Isabella Fracchiolla plunges off wall in Taranto, Italy trying to take selfie

2015-05-12 8

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A teenaged girl fell to her death, while trying to take a picture of herself on this overlook in Taranto, Italy. The city sits Located in the southeast of the country, and is famous for its seafront vistas and edifices. Sixteen year old Isabella Fracchiolla was on a school trip and wanted to capture the moment.

Anxious to get a selfie, she perched upon one of the banisters surrounding the overlook in a plaza, but lost her balance, plunging 18 meters onto the rocky shore below suffering multiple injuries to her head, spine and legs. Although she was alive and taken to the hospital in critical condition, in the end, doctors couldn't save Isabella.

The next time you want a picture of yourself, it's probably better to ask another person before putting yourself in harm's way.


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