Israel blames Hamas for teen disappearance, launches extensive manhunt

2015-05-12 4

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Three Israeli teens who were allegedly abducted by Palestinian militant group Hamas while hitchhiking home in the West Bank city of Hebron are still missing.

They have been identified as 16-year-old Naftali Frankel, from Nof Ayalon, 16-year-old Gilad Shaar, from Telman, as well as 19-year-old Eyal Yifrach, from Elad.

The teens are students at a Yeshiva, which is a type of Jewish religious school, in Gush Etzion, a Jewish settlement bloc in the West Bank.

On Thursday, the three boys were hitchhiking home at around 10:00PM.
Reports say that hitchhiking is a common behavior for teens around the area, despite authorities frequently warning them against the practice. They were then allegedly abducted.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a press conference accused Hamas of kidnapping the teens. However, Palestinian officials said the three were in an area under Israeli authority.

Israeli authorities yesterday confirmed that one of the boys had called an emergency line to report that they had been kidnapped at around 10:25PM.

Since their disappearance, the Israeli government has launched a massive manhunt in the Israeli-Palestinian controlled area, dispatching armoured vehicles, drones, and helicopters for the search.

As of Monday morning, Israeli troops have arrested 80 Palestinians. One 19-year-old Palestinian man was shot and killed outside a refugee camp in Ramallah during a search.


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